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Asset Allocation Based Performance Analysis - One
It matters not what lines, numbers, indices, or gurus you worship, you just can't know where the stock market is going or when it will change direction. Too much investor time and analytical effort is wasted trying to predict course corrections… even more is squandered comparing portfolio Market Values with a handful of unrelated indices and averages.
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Who's Afraid of Higher Interest Rates?
A rising interest rate environment is super good news for investors. When we loan money to someone, is it better to get the lowest possible rate for the shortest period of time? Stop looking at income investing with a grow the market value perspective. That's not what it's all about. Lower market values or growing discounts to NAV don't have to be problems... they can be benefits.
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WCM Investing - The Process (December 2008)
Most people enter the investment process tip first. They hear something, grab an idea from a popular blog, accept a Cramerism or some motley foolishness, and think that they are making investment decisions. Rarely, will the right-now, instant-gratification, Internet-generation speculator think in terms that go beyond tomorrow's breaking news.
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Purpose Based Asset Allocation: The Working Capital Model
Asset Allocation is an Investment Planning Tool, not an Investment Strategy. WCM facilitates long term, retirement income, investment planning by focusing on selection quality, issue diversification, and annual growth of both base income and invested capital. Neither market value nor the calendar year are perceived as relevant decision making criteria.
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How To Minimize Risk: A Formula For More Productive Investing
Risk minimization requires the identification of what's inside a portfolio. Risk control requires decision-making by the owner of the investment assets. Risk management requires a selection process from a universe of securities that meet a known set of quality standards.
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Interest Rates Are Rising - The Sky Is NOT Falling
Income investing facts of life: When higher rates are expected, existing security prices fall. lower rate expectations produce higher income security prices. Both conditions can be good news for investors. It's all a matter of understanding... and focus. Wall Street snake oil sales organizations just don't get it. It being the (apparently) much too simple income investing truth that lower market values have pretty much of a zero impact on security disbursements.
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Seven Principles For Long Term Investment Success
Establish a profit-taking target for every security you purchase. Avoid Unrealized Gains, Embrace Volatility, Increase Annual Income, and remember that all key investment moments are only visible in rear view mirrors. Keep in mind that you need Income to pay the bills, and examine Market Value numbers at intelligent intervals.
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Ten Time-Tested Investment Portfolio Risk Minimizers
Most investment mistakes are caused by basic misunderstandings of the securities markets and by invalid performance expectations. Losing money on an investment may not be the result of an investment sandbar and not all mistakes in judgment result in broken propellers.
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Cruise Control Hedging: The Basics of Investing
Risk is compounded by ignorance, multiplied by gimmickry, and exacerbated by emotion. It is halved with education, ameliorated with cost-based asset allocation, and managed with disciplined: selection quality, diversification, and income rules--- The QDI.
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The Investment Gods Are Still Furious
Today's obsession with short-term blinks of the investment eye is Wall Street's attempt to take the market cycle out of the performance picture. Similarly, total return hocus-pocus places artificial significance on bond market values while it obscures the importance of the income produced. MCIM users will have none of it; the investment gods are angry.
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Income Investing: Do YOU Have The Right Stuff?
When is 3 percent better than 6 percent? Yeah, we all know the answer, but only until the prices of the securities we already own begin to fall. Then, logic and mathematical acumen disappear and we become susceptible to all kinds of special cures for the periodic onset of higher interest rates. We’ll be told to sit in cash until rates stop rising, or to sell the securities we own now, before they lose even more of their precious market value.
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Stock Market Correction: Month Nine And Counting
Repetition is good for the brain's CPU, so forgive me for reinforcing what I've said in the face of every correction since 1979... if you don't love corrections, you really don't understand the financial markets. Don't be insulted, it seems as though very few financial professionals want you to see it this way and, in fact, Institutional Wall Street loves it when individual investors panic in the face of uncertainty.
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Preventing Investment Mistakes: Ten Risk Minimizers
Losing money on an investment may not be the result of a mistake, and not all mistakes result in monetary losses. Your own misconceptions about how securities react to varying economic, political, and hysterical circumstances are your most vicious enemy. Step away from calendar year, market value thinking. Avoid these ten common errors to improve your performance:
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Income Closed End Funds & Total Return Analysis
If interest rates rise, the market values of these investments will go down BUT the income from the securities (and their safety vis-a-vis equities) will not change; if interest rates fall forcing prices up, I may feel richer, BUT MY INCOME WILL NOT CHANGE. My Total Return may move in either direction but THE INCOME WILL NOT CHANGE.
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The Art of Investing: Working Capital Model based Asset Allocation
This method of looking at things will get you where you want to be without the hype that Wall Street uses to create unproductive transactions, foolish speculations, and incurable dissatisfaction. It provides a valid use for portfolio Market Value, but far from the judgmental nature Wall Street would like. It's use in this model, as both an expectation clarifier and an action indicator for the portfolio manager on a personal level, should illuminate your light bulb.
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Investment Performance Evaluation Re-Evaluated: Part One (April 2009)
The Working Capital Model (WCM) looks at investment performance differently, less emotionally, and without a whole lot of concern for short-term market value movements. Market value performance evaluation techniques are only used to analyze peak-to-peak market cycle movements over significant time periods. In the WCM, market value is used as an expectation clarifier and an action indicator for the portfolio manager.
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Investment Performance Expectations and Broker Account Statements
Whether you go the discount route through Schwab, Ameritrade, Fidelity, etc., or enjoy a higher level of service through an independent like LMK Wealth Management, you should never be surprised by the market values reflected on your monthly account statement.
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Crisis Investing - The Three-Pronged MCIM Strategy
Unfortunately, investors in general are a lot like teenagers. They know everything immediately; expect instant gratification; take unnecessary risks; fall in love too easily; ignore all voices of experience; prefer the easy approach; and feel that the lessons of the past just can't possibly apply to what's going on now. Duh, dude!
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Asset Allocation: Investing by the Numbers
If you focus exclusively on market value, dwell upon comparisons of your unique portfolio with the market averages, expect performance of some kind during specific time intervals, and listen intently when someone speaks about what the future is all about, any asset allocation work you do will be ineffective.
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Investment Performance Evaluation Re-Evaluated: Part Two (April 2009)
The Working Capital Model (WCM) looks at investment performance differently, less emotionally, and without a whole lot of concern for short-term market value movements. Market value performance evaluation techniques are only used to analyze peak-to-peak market cycle movements over significant time periods. In the WCM, market value is used as an expectation clarifier and an action indicator for the portfolio manager.
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Income Investing: Go Ask Alice When She's...
Don't let uniformed thinking sabotage your retirement program; don't let the selfish advice of a product sharpshooter send you chasing rabbits when IRE (interest rate expectations) or other temporary market conditions shrink the market value of your income portfolio. Feed your head; feed---your---head. Income pays the bills, and if the income level is both steady and adequate, there is no need to change investments.
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Successful Investing: Rules Of Engagement
Crash! The 2007 thru 2008 financial crisis halved 401(k), IRA, and Mutual Fund values in a matter of months. For many, retirement dates had to be pushed back; for others, new jobs had to be found. The tragic flaw? No income allocation in the investment program. Market value builds egos; income pays the bills.
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A Dismal Decade? No Way With Market Cycle Investing
Once again The Wizards attempted to debug the market cycle and create an upward only future for the masses. But the markets weren't broken, just the market shakers. Your portfolio could have been up in market value--- and not by just a little for the dismal decade.
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Forming Valid Income Investing Expectations - Part Two
The critical relationship between the two classes of securities in your portfolio, is this: the market value of your equity investments and that of your income purpose investments are totally, and completely unrelated. Each Market dances to it's own beat. Stocks are like heavy metal or Rap...impossible to predict. Bonds are more like the classics and old time rock-and-roll...much more predictable.
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Investment Performance Expectations: MCIM Portfolio Fine Tuning
How can I get you to stop fixating on monthly market values and to focus on the purpose of the securities within the portfolio? Most of us are trained to deal with seasons, fashion trends, biological changes, waning sports dynasties, sunspots, etc. Instinctively, we expect, and prepare for change effectively--- except when it comes to investing, where planning and preparation is only talked about.
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Stock Market Rally vs. Fiscal Cliff --- Got It Covered?
There is no need for rocket science in investing --- no correlations, standard deviations, coefficients, Alphas, or Betas are required. There is no reason for anyone to have had zero growth in market values over the past dozen years. Wall Street wants you to accept mass produced mediocrity
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Predicting Stock Market Movements
The risk of loss cannot be eliminated. A simple change in a security's market value is not a loss of principal just as certainly as a change in the market value of your home is not evidence of termite damage. Markets are complicated; emotions about one's assets are even more so. Wall Street spins reality in whatever manner it can to make most investors unhappy, thus increasing new product sales.
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Old Fashioned Equity Investing - Building A Better Mousetrap
Since the level it achieved just prior to the bursting dot-com bubble in 2000, the S & P 500 Average (on October 15th 2010) had lost 17% of its market value. In the same time frame, portfolios managed start-to-finish using the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology have gained roughly 113%, in spite of the impact of the recent financial crisis.
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Understanding Fixed Income Investing: Expectations - Part 2
More recently, the combination of higher rates and a weaker Stock Market has been a Double Whammy for portfolio Market Values, and a double bonanza for investment opportunities. Just like at the Mall, lower securities prices are a good thing for buyers... and higher prices are a good thing for sellers. You need to act on these things with each cyclical change.
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Understanding Fixed Income Investing: Expectations - Part 1
I've come to the conclusion that the Stock Market is an easier medium for investors to understand (i.e., to form behavioral expectations about) than the Fixed Income Market. As unlikely as this sounds, experience proves it, irrefutably. Few investors grow to love volatility as I do, but most expect it in the Market Value of their equity positions.
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Peak to Peak Analysis: June 30, 2007 through September 18, 2009
The WCM figures summarize spreadsheet analysis of nearly 239 portfolios for the period from June 30 2007 (the last WCM Peak market value) thru September 18, 2009 (a high point achieved after a prolonged correction in the markets).
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The Difference Between Appraisals and Assessments
Many people think appraisals and assessments are the same thing or at least that they should be for the same amount. The truth is they can vary greatly. Lets look at each of them.
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Home Equity Loans & Creative Small Business Financing
You dont have to have investors or a traditional business development bank loan to start your own small business. If you own a home or have the credit to open revolving credit card accounts, your small business financing could be a reality. A more traditional approach is the home equity loan. Banks usually offer home equity loans for 125% of the propertys fair market value or FMV.
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Best Home Owner Insurance What Is The Best?
The best homeowner insurance is the insurance that best meets your needs. The insurance shopper that takes the time to understand the basic elements of home insurance will have much more confidence and sense of satisfaction when making an insurance purchase. The homeowner policy has been around for a long time and so most of us have a general concept on how the policy works. The more you know about the market value of your home and the approximate cost to rebuild it the bette...
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Three Ways FSBO Sellers Stumble
How many buyers must see your ad before you get an offer? How many buyers will respond to your ad if you're asking $30,000 over market value for your home? What do you do once you receive your first purchase offer? This article will help you be prepared to address each of these questions because you'll need to when selling a home on your own.
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Objects Of Desire
People whose investment horizons are limited to the likes of stocks, real estate or gold may not give a second thought to amulets, but in Thailand it's a flourishing trade with an estimated market value of 10 billion Baht.Collecting amulets and other sacred items is a centuries-old tradition, some of it founded on Buddhist religious beliefs, some of it linked to superstitions. In the past it was a low-profile activity but in recent years it's become very mainstream.Wa...
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The Ultimate Investment Portfolio Hedging Strategy
Once upon a time (long before Quants, Swaps, and million dollar bonuses) investors knew that they could not know what the market will do--- in direction, duration, range, or vacillation. They recognized that neither humans nor human created machines could predict the future with any degree of accuracy. So they learned how to deal with uncertainty.
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IGVSI Bargain Stocks - Are There Any Left?
The Bargain Stock Monitor is reporting that a 52-week high has been achieved in Investment Grade Value Stock market values, but it is predicting nothing. What matters now is what you do with the paper profits that the past ten months' rally should certainly have provided for you.
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Dealing With Market Corrections: Ten Dos and Don'ts
A correction is a beautiful thing, simply the flip side of a rally, big or small. As long your cash flow continues unabated, the change in market value is merely a perceptual issue.
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Bank Foreclosure Profit Opportunities
Whether you are a homebuyer or a foreclosure homes investor, foreclosure bank owned properties allow you to buy properties at a fraction of their market value. Lenders aren't chartered to own and manage property, so they face close scrutiny and pressure from state and federal regulators to dispose of foreclosed properties quickly - especially if they're on a regulator's list.
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Investment Performance and The Working Capital Model (March, 2008)
The Working Capital Model (WCM) approach to portfolio performance evaluation eliminates the tears and fears because it is based on more than the current market value illusion of wealth--- a number that won't sit still long enough to ever be meaningful. Market value, within the WCM, is used only to determine what to buy and/or when to take profits.
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Good News For Income Investors
Looking for good news in today's markets is like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack. Needless to say, practically all investment grade equities and nearly all closed end funds that specialize in providing regular recurring monthly income have been reduced in market value by this prolonged correction.
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Calculating Your Investment IQ
The keys to successful investing are Asset Allocation using only two investment buckets: Equity and Income, and the development of realistic expectations about their market value performance.
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IGVSI Performance Expectations – WCM Portfolios (February 2009)
All investors need to become intimate with both the content of their portfolios and the workings of the various cycles that impact on security market values. They need to expect, even anticipate cyclical changes in the market values of their securities by taking reasonable profits in either classification willingly, gleefully, and without hindsight.
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Stock Market Corrections Are Beautiful - And Necessary (April 2009)
The reality of corrections is one of the few certainties of the financial markets, a reality that separates the men from the boys, if you will. If you fixate on your portfolio Market Value during a correction, you will just give yourself a headache, or worse.
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Making money online with blogs
When you think of the term blog, does it represent money to you? Do you believe that you could make money with this new craze? Well let it be known, that yes people really are generating more business to their companies and they are making money. When it comes right down to it, blogging can easily enlarge your net authority, and increase credibility and market value. Some people even claim that they are only in business because blogging has made it possible for them. They also claim that th...
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Internet Home Business Tips
There are three important things to consider when running an Internet home business. All will help to increase the fair market value of your company.
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Creating A Cost-Effective Google Adwords Search Engine Ad Campaign
Pay-per-click ads like those available through Google Adwords can be a powerful, regular source of prospects for your products and services. However, whenever new clients have asked me to look at their Google Adwords campaigns, I begin to understand one element in Google's growth to more than a $6 billion market value.Many entrepreneurs fail to take advantage of Google's mechanisms for making sure that their search engine ads get shown only to those who are logically pote...